"Coaching hasn't happened unless there's been a shift in thinking and therefore behaviour".

Martin Goodyer

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The International Academy for Business Coaching and Training

International member of the Association for Coaching

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Content Summary:  

KR1 - Rapport & relationship management

KR2 - Contracting - differences in coaching approaches

KR3 - Formal Coaching Models

KR4 - Informal Coaching Models

KR5 - Behavioural Coaching Tools

KR6 - Business Coaching Tools

KR7 - Quality Standards - essential practice management

KR8 - Return on Investment - coaching effectiveness measures



KR1 - Rapport & relationship management

KR1.01 The nature of coaching

KR1.01.01 Definitions of coaching

KR1.01.02 Spectrum of development and support

KR1.01.03 Coaching background and history

KR1.02 The efficacy of coaching

KR1.02.01 Accelerated learning

KR1.02.02 Enhancing memory

KR1.02.03 Theories of learning

KR1.03 The oxygen of coaching

KR1.03.01 Establishing rapport

KR1.03.02 Maintaining rapport

KR1.03.03 Building and enhancing rapport


KR2 - Contracting - differences in coaching approaches

KR2.01 Executive interventions

KR2.01.01 Aligning organisational goals

KR2.01.02 Defining personal goals

KR2.01.03 Agreeing structures and methodology

KR2.02 Corporate coaching

KR2.02.01 Understanding the brief

KR2.02.02 Managing organisational expectations

KR2.02.03 Establishing reviews

KR2.03 Team coaching - 1 to 1 team

KR2.03.01 Individual contracting

KR2.03.02 Team goal alignment

KR2.03.03 Frequency & methodology

KR2.04 Group coaching 1 to many

KR2.04.01 1-2-1 contracting

KR2.04.02 Establishing contracting sponsors

KR2.04.03 Agreeing frequency and norms

KR2.05 Business output coaching

KR2.05.01 Contracting frequency and reviews

KR2.05.02 Agreeing approaches

KR2.05.03 Establishing parameters

KR2.06 Chemistry sessions

KR2.06.01 Preparing for a chemistry session

KR2.06.02 Defining coaching

KR2.06.03 Establishing measures & expectations

KR2.06.04 Concluding inevitable consequences

KR2.06.05 Agreeing methodologies


KR3 - Formal Coaching Models


KR3.01.01 Topic development

KR3.01.02 Goal establishment

KR3.01.03 Reality definition

KR3.01.04 Option choices

KR3.01.05 Willingness to act


KR3.02.01 Halting before acting

KR3.02.02 Asking appropriate question

KR3.02.03 Listening intuitively

KR3.02.04 Taking action

KR3.03 Additional tools

KR3.03.03 Clean language/metaphor

KR3.03.04 NLP

KR3.03.05 Positive psychology

KR3.03.06 CBT

KR3.03.07 Whole-person coaching

KR3.04 Business coaching attributes

KR3.04.01 Listening skills

KR3.04.02 Separation skills

KR3.04.03 Non-verbal communication skills

KR3.04.04 Feedback skills

KR3.04.05 Discretion & confidentiality

KR3.04.06 Creative questioning

KR3.04.07 Self awareness

KR3.04.08 Structurally prepared (business tools available)

KR3.04.09 Enthusiasm and energy

KR3.04.10 Personal and professional confidence

KR3.04.11 Flexibility and patience

KR3.04.12 Focus and attention to detail

KR3.04.13 Empathy skills

KR3.04.14 Probing skills

KR3.04.15 People focus

KR3.04.16 Business focus

KR3.04.17 Trustworthiness

KR3.04.18 Conflict management skills

KR3.04.19 Time management skills

KR3.04.20 Business management skills


KR4 - Informal Coaching Models

KR4.01 Magic RUG

KR4.01.01 Instant rapport skills

KR4.01.02 Understanding and reading a situation

KR4.01.03 Being goal led

KR4.02 Rapid Coaching Techniques

KR4.02.01 Recognising coaching opportunities

KR4.02.02 Asking intuitive questions

KR4.02.03 Formulating outcomes and actions

KR4.03 Incorporating coaching into existing situations

KR4.03.01 PDR's

KR4.03.02 Management meetings

KR4.03.03 Business reviews

KR4.03.04 Disciplinary circumstances

KR4.03.05 Organisational reasons for coaching

KR4.04 Contexts for business coaching

KR4.04.01 Business growth / development challenges

KR4.04.02 Organisational challenges

KR4.04.03 Personnel challenges

KR4.04.04 Financial challenges

KR4.04.05 Production / service challenges

KR5 - Behavioural Coaching Tools

KR5.01 Understanding stakeholders

KR5.01.01 Organisational business analysis

KR5.01.02 Cultural motivations

KR5.01.03 Sponsor motivations

KR5.02 Goal setting tools

KR5.02.01 Ultimate goal - flag in the sand

KR5.02.02 Strategic goals - 3-D wheel

KR5.02.03 Tactical goals - SMARTER & 2-D wheel

KR5.03 2 Where, 4 What & How

KR5.03.01 Epoxy model

KR5.03.02 Clarity seeking

KR5.03.03 Challenges

KR5.03.04 Rules based

KR5.03.05 Comparisons

KR5.03.06 Double-binds

KR5.03.07 Generalising

KR5.04 Recognising reality

KR5.04.01 Calibration & measurement techniques

KR5.04.02 Descriptive & discourse analysis

KR5.04.03 3rd party viewpoints

KR5.04.04 Promotion of metaphor

KR5.05 Generating choices

KR5.05.01 Recognising priorities

KR5.05.02 Calibrating options

KR5.05.03 Emotionally aligning with preferences

KR5.05.04 What else' frames

KR5.06 Committing to action

KR5.06.01 Goal alignment model

KR5.06.02 Empowerment model

KR5.06.03 Impact/difficulty matrix

KR5.06.04 Ability/willingness matrix

KR5.07 Behavioural profiling awareness

KR5.07.01 Myers Briggs introduction

KR5.07.02 Disc introduction

KR5.07.03 Other Jungian approaches introduced

KR5.07.04 360 degree introduction

KR5.07.05 Personal SWOT

KR5.07.06 Communication style analysis

KR5.07.07 Competency analysis

KR5.07.08 Skill/will matrix

KR5.07.09 Personal communication profile (TA)

KR5.08 Values & beliefs

KR5.08.01 Personal values hierarchy

KR5.08.02 Belief systems & impact

KR5.08.03 Belief types & explanations

KR5.08.04 Value conflicts

KR5.08.05 HERO model

KR5.08.06 Wooden model

KR5.09 Behaviour change tools

KR5.09.01 3 step model

KR5.09.02 Emotional balance

KR5.09.03 Overcoming objections

KR5.09.04 Future pacing

KR5.09.05 Mantras

KR5.09.06 Unconscious programming

KR5.09.07 Driving human needs

KR5.09.08 Verbal aikido

KR5.09.09 Resistance pyramid

KR5.09.10 Logical thinking levels


KR6 - Business Coaching Tools

KR6.01 Establishing priorities

KR6.01.01 D-zone matrix

KR6.01.02 Effectiveness v efficiency model

KR6.01.03 Delegation contracts

KR6.01.04 Future paced reality check

KR6.02 Evaluating potential actions

KR6.02.01 6 step problem solving model

KR6.02.02 Rapid cash generator

KR6.02.03 Cash flow implications

KR6.02.04 Accessing external resources

KR6.03 Analysing business challenges

KR6.03.01 Strategic direction & exit

KR6.03.02 Liquidity analysis

KR6.03.03 Viability checks

KR6.03.04 Feasibility determination

KR6.03.05 Visibility & market analysis

KR6.03.06 Flexibility of resources

KR6.03.07 Competition analysis

KR6.03.08 Positional SWOT

KR6.03.09 Organisational effectiveness

KR6.04 Business communication

KR6.04.01 Negotiation

KR6.04.02 Conflict management

KR6.04.03 Clarity of message generation

KR6.04.04 EQ management


KR7 - Quality Standards - essential practice management

KR7.01 Appropriateness

KR7.01.01 Ethical, legal & professional

KR7.01.02 Organisational constraints

KR7.01.03 Guarantees & promises

KR7.01.04 Commission agreements

KR7.01.05 IP constraints

KR7.02 Appropriate documentation

KR7.02.01 Agreements

KR7.02.02 Coaching contracts

KR7.02.03 Coaching notes

KR7.02.04 Coaching diary & reflective writing

KR7.03 Personal CPD

KR7.03.01 Determining personal development needs

KR7.03.02 Strategic personal planning

KR7.03.03 Tactical personal action planning

KR7.03.04 Coaching supervision


KR8 - Return on Investment - coaching effectiveness measures

KR8.01 Initial goals and areas of acute focus

KR8.01.01 pre-coaching questions

KR8.01.02 Chemistry interview & ROI

KR8.01.03 Formal agreement of measures

KR8.02 Project / intervention analysis

KR8.02.01 Time bound ROI

KR8.02.02 Achievement driven ROI

KR8.02.03 Non financial ROI

KR8.02.04 Subjective ROI

KR8.03 Wider implications

KR8.03.01 Peripheral ROI measures

KR8.03.02 Cultural impact measures

KR8.03.03 Measurable frameworks

Likely activities and mandatory requirements:

One to one Coaching assignments (20 hours required)

Coaching Conversations (as opportunities present)
Coaching Practise sessions (One mandatory session per month over 9 months required)
2 supervised sessions (2 x 3-way 1.5 hour sessions - one following the 5 day residential training and one final assessed session)
2 hours personal tutorial (4 x 30 minute sessions)
Coaching Diary (completion of diary assignment)
Coaching Assignment Project (completion of project assignment)
Reading / reflection (It is suggested that 3 hours reading / reflective learning per week is helpful)