"Coaching hasn't happened unless there's been a shift in thinking and therefore behaviour".

Martin Goodyer

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The International Academy for Business Coaching and Training

International member of the Association for Coaching

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It’s easier than most people think to fall into a rut:

It happens by creating an environment that's not bad enough to be painful or pleasant enough to be pleasurable, and very quickly you can find yourself in a no mans land of inertia.

People don't naturally go stale; they have to be in an environment that makes them that way.

A PEN approach to Absenteeism

Positive Environmental Neurology™:

The Smart Way to Learn

The science of Occupational and Environmental neurology is well established. It deals with the links between a damaging environment and lasting negative effects on a persons nervous system. PEN (Positive Environmental Neurology™) looks for links between positively stimulating elements of the environment and the lasting and sustainable effects they might cause on the human nervous system. It is the other side of the same ‘coin’.

Extended programmes at the iABCt make use of PEN to enhance the learning experience;

Why Tenerife? (In the sunshine)

We could run our courses anywhere in the world - and if asked we can bring one to your doorstep wherever you are. However we recommend that you either join us in our preferred location in Tenerife, or you choose a similar location that benefits from the natural effects of Positive Environmental Neurology™. We have run courses in locations including Majorca as well in mainland Europe. Given the relatively low cost of vacation accommodations as opposed to business hotels, it can also make good financial sense to organise your course in a location that benefits from  the effects of PEN.

Private courses may be organised for as few as 9 delegates and are always competitively priced. The combination of our exclusive focus on coaching related training plus our expertise in learning science and technology AND our ability to offer the most competitive rates, we hope makes the iABCt your first choice for international coaching training.

To find out more about organising an iABCt course please speak to our partners ‘Hero Training’ on 01482 235074